Hero | he·ro : (n) a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities.

A Visionary hero: a person, using the Visionary 360 methodologies, who has taken their company to new boundaries and achievements.



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Paid Invoice notifications – There is no ticket matching this invoice
Updated on February 11, 2024


Q:  I received an email stating that company ABC has a paid invoice and should see if there is a ticket on the collections board that matches this invoice.  There is no ticket so why am I receiving this email?

A:  In this scenario, company ABC has their company finance status as “Delinquent” or “Credit Hold” and there was an invoice that was just paid in full.   The company finance status should be reviewed as to why it is in one of these two statuses.  Changing the status back to “active” will stop similar messages.