Hero | he·ro : (n) a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities.

A Visionary hero: a person, using the Visionary 360 methodologies, who has taken their company to new boundaries and achievements.



+1(818) 459-3950

9018 Balboa Blvd. #563, Northridge, CA 91325

Contact Us

ConnectWise PSA Sales & Quoting Automation

You Have a Vision

Optimize Sales: Reduce Acquisition Costs

Sales | sale: /sāl/ (n) // the exchange of a commodity for money; the action of selling something.

Quote | quote: /kwōt/ (v) // mention or refer to (someone or something) to provide evidence or authority for a statement, argument, or opinion.

Simplify Your Sales Journey with Us: Speed Up Sales Cycle, Optimize Leads, and Fill Your Pipeline.

We understand the challenges of sales and offer support in integrating quoting software with ConnectWise Manage. With our assistance, you’ll streamline processes, reduce engagement time with prospects, and become their hero. Consistent, repeatable practices elevate your professionalism, paving the way for long-term client relationships.

Drive the leads through the process

Refine Your Sales Workflow with Automation. Assess current processes for enhancements, propelling your team forward. No existing processes? No problem. We'll assist in their development.

Focus on further improvement with sales forcasting

Enhance Future Success: Utilize Past Sales and Marketing Insights. Accurate Reporting Drives Informed Decisions and Positive Outcomes.

Manage your sales team with driven commission strictures

Boost Sales Performance with Incentives. Establishing a Sales Commission Structure Enables Automated Calculations, Streamlining Processes and Eliminating Repetitive Queries.

Reinvent your processes

Streamline Your Sales Process with Scalable Automation. Free up Time and Energy, Allowing Focus on Long-Term Company Growth.

We are here to help

That’s why we are here.

With Visionary 360 by your side

You can stop feeling frustrated and start appreciating all that Manage can do to help propel your business forward, making you the hero of your company.

That’s why we are here. We understand that as a business owner, you have many hats. We are here to help you understand the functionality, features and benefits so that you can put some of the hats on ConnectWise Manage PSA, without making you feel overwhelmed.

What we see on a daily basis

Accounting Integration and Optimization
Sales Management & Quoting Automation
Service, Projects & Workflows
Integrate your Tools
Procurement Services
“I cannot give you the formula for success, but I can give you the formula for failure. It is: Try to please everybody.” david oswald
Business Planning & Strategy
In what areas do you provide ConnectWise Consulting?

At Visionary 360, we offer specialized ConnectWise consulting services coupled with expert business consulting to drive your organization towards success. Our comprehensive approach includes optimizing your ConnectWise PSA, refining workflows, and enhancing integrations to maximize efficiency and productivity. With our guidance, you'll gain valuable insights and strategies to streamline operations and elevate your business in today's competitive landscape.

In which countries do you provide consulting services?

Visionary 360 primarily provides consulting services in English-speaking countries, including the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand. However, it's best to check directly with Visionary 360 for the most accurate and up-to-date information on their service availability.

How is a consulting project started and organized?
  1. Initial Consultation: The consulting process usually begins with an initial consultation. During this phase, we discuss your business goals, challenges, and specific needs. This helps us gain a thorough understanding of your organization and tailor our approach accordingly.

  2. Needs Assessment: Following the initial consultation, we conduct a comprehensive needs assessment. This involves analyzing your current systems, processes, and workflows to identify areas for improvement and opportunities for optimization.

  3. Proposal and Planning: Based on the findings from the needs assessment, we develop a detailed proposal outlining the scope of the consulting project, objectives, timeline, and deliverables. Once the proposal is approved, we proceed with project planning, including resource allocation and scheduling.

  4. Execution: With a solid plan in place, we commence the execution phase of the project. This typically involves implementing solutions, conducting training sessions, and providing ongoing support as needed. Throughout this phase, we maintain open communication with your team to ensure alignment and address any emerging issues promptly.

  5. Monitoring and Adjustment: As the project progresses, we closely monitor its implementation and effectiveness. We track key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure success and make adjustments as necessary to ensure the project stays on track and achieves its intended outcomes.

  6. Closure and Evaluation: Once the project objectives have been met, we facilitate a closure meeting to review the outcomes, gather feedback from stakeholders, and ensure a smooth transition. We also provide documentation and training materials to support continued success post-project.

  7. Ongoing Support: Our commitment to your success doesn't end with the completion of the project. We offer ongoing support and assistance to address any lingering issues, provide additional training, or help with further optimizations as your business evolves.

By following this structured approach, we ensure that consulting projects with Visionary 360 are organized, transparent, and focused on delivering tangible results that drive your business forward.

